Sally Baldwin
Fragile Earth
This work was started during Covid lockdowns as a response to the environmental crisis we are in and also to the way Covid seemed to be destroying everything we once took for granted. Its working title was originally Disintegration/Things Fall Apart and Sally received a grant from Arts Council England for its development. She later changed the name to Fragile Earth as it implies an element of control – we could either be looking at the ghostly memories of what we once had but have now lost, or more positively at a delicately balanced ecosystem which can still be saved if we take the right decisions .
The mix of hanging installations, wall pieces and sculptural items all imply natural forms – trees, flowers, pods, sealife, insects. Most are generic, but some are more specific. All are affected by climate change and habitat loss. The body of work has been shown in four solo exhibitions with more booked for 2025 and 26.
Studio photographs by John Melville

'An absolutely beguiling exhibition in terms of technique, inspiration and impact. Thank you.'
‘I have just returned from Cornwall and visited your Fragile Earth exhibition. It took my breath away.
Stunning pieces, I love the wow moment as I entered the room.’ visitor comments, Fragile Earth exhibition